
Therapy Groups:


At The Intimacy Center, Renee Madison offers two phases of men's group, and group for female partners of sex addicts. More specific information is available below. Groups are held at Westminster office.


These groups offer a place to break out of isolation and shame, and to learn and practice healthy intimacy skills of support and accountability. Designed to complement 12-Step Group work (SA, SAA, SLAA, etc.) these groups are a safe place to learn about yourself and learn new skills. Each group also meets in a "Community group," without the therapist, to provide additional support and deepen relationships. While we come from a Christian spiritual experience, the groups are a safe place for each person to express their spiritual journey as it applies to his or her recovery. Clients are assessed before invitation to each group for compatibility.


Men's Groups for Sexual Addiction Recovery:

Phase I Group:

Topics covered:

  • How sexual addiction makes life unmanageable
  • Cycles of addiction
  • Healthy self care
  • Relapse prevention
  • Family or origin and roles learned
  • Healthy masculinity

Sexual addiction is essentially an intimacy disorder that results in cycles of avoidance, acting out, and deep shame. This community of men balances grace with accountability and is a forum for learning how to develop healthy relationships.

This group available

  • Thursdays 6:15-7:45 p.m., weekly. (Community group until 8:30 p.m.)

Group requires a 3-month commitment and are ongoing. The cost is $45 a week.


Phase 2 Men's Group (Maybe combined with Phase I Group)

This group is for men who have completed the Phase 1 Sexual Addiction Recovery Group. This group leads deeper into the work of recovery. Where Phase 1 helps men overcome the impulses to act out, Phase 2 helps them understand the sources of those triggers. Where Phase 1 helps men understand the messages sent to them by their families of origin, Phase 2 involves an in-depth study of:

  • Ones role in their family of origin
  • The family history of addiction and dysfunction
  • The emotional climate of the family of origin
  • Ones parents’ wounds and coping strategies
  • The losses and traumas on ones life
  • There is also a strong experiential component to the work of Phase 2. Therefore, you not only study one's family and origin but also connect that with the deeper emotional work of grieving, healing, and growing.

    But Phase 2 isn’t all about understanding and healing the hurts of the past. It is also about doing the deeper work of living fully into one's future. This involves taking a deeper look at one's work world, one's finances, one's care of body, and one's relational world and then embarking on new ways of growing into the fullness of one's life as a man.


    Women's Groups for Partners of Sex Addictions

    Topics covered:

    • Causes of sexual addiction
    • Healthy sexuality
    • Tendencies of partners of sex addicts
    • Boundaries with partners
    • Support systems for partners
    • Recovery from trauma
    • Intimacy, vulnerability and trust

    Women dealing with sexual codependency often feel isolated because the issues are so difficult to discuss. A central component of the group is to develop your own intimacy skills through developing stronger relationships within the group.

    Mondays, 10-11:50 a.m., weekly

    Cost is $45 per person per session (Community group time is required outside of group.)


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